How will we minimise disruption and ensure effective coordination across multiple projects in the Science Area?
In bringing forward these developments, the university is mindful of concerns around the potential cumulative effects on the level of disruption and congestion during site works across the Science Area. To address these we are implementing:
Regular neighbourhood meetings supporting by bi-monthly Client newsletters with affected departments, divisions and building managers.
A team of four programme managers in the University’s Estates Services department work together to ensure the coordination of logistics across projects.
All contractors working on University projects meet together with the Capital Projects team every six weeks to discuss site health and safety and logistics and ensure a coordinated approach.
Construction traffic management plans are compiled by our contractors for approval by the City Council. These include keeping pedestrians safe, minimising vehicle movements and ensuring effective signage.
DfMA methodologies supported as off-site manufacturing and construction techniques contribute to minimising disruption through reduced deliveries, traffic movements and workforce on sites.
Project specific websites are hosted by the University and provide project information on all projects.