Life and Mind Building strategic objectives and benefits

The table below outlines the University's strategic objectives for the Tinbergen redevelopment project and how these in turn will create benefits for the project stakeholders including University staff, students and the local community.




Strategic Objectives for Tinbergen


Alignment with strategic aims of





Objective 1: To provide an enhanced home for the Departments of Zoology and Experimental Psychology

• To rehouse the departments displaced from Tinbergen in a single building

• To enhance the identity, coherence, and health of core disciplines

• Supports the University Strategic Plan, Estates Strategy and divisional / departmental (EP & Zoology) strategies

• Aligns with Oxford City Council Development Plan, given temporary nature of the planning permissions in place for these departments

• Reduced footprint

• Shared administrative functions


Objective 2: To transform the psychological and
biological sciences through co-location and

• To support cross-departmental and interdisciplinary research through colocation

• To co-locate Plant Sciences in the redeveloped Tinbergen

• To provide the opportunity for new interdepartmental research themes and cross departmental hubs

• Supports the University Strategic Plan, Estates Strategy, and divisional strategies

• Supports departmental research strategies by promoting cross-departmental working

• Supports research and financial strategies by providing the opportunity for new or increased funding streams

• Improved research overheads

• Cross-departmental adjacencies between groups with shared interests

• Footprint reduction and shared administration between Plants and Zoology

• Targeted new appointments, formation of research hubs


Objective 3: To enhance the educational experience

• To enhance the interface between teaching and research

• To provide state-of-the-art space suitable for a wide range of different methods and scale of teaching

• To provide appropriate social and interaction space for students

• Supports the University Strategic Plan, Estates Strategy, and divisional and departmental (EP, Zoology, Plant Sciences) strategies

• Adjacencies between teaching and research

• State-of-the-art labs to allow modern techniques to be taught

• Design to encourage frequent discussions among staff and students, and pooling students, methodological and analytical expertise


Objective 4: To enable the positive transformation of the Science Area Estate

• To deliver space economies and efficiencies to the estate through sharing of facilities, including lecture space

• To improve the quality of space across the Estate

• To unlock wider redevelopment of the science area

• To contribute to increased sustainability and reduction of carbon footprint

• Supports the University Strategic Plan, Estates Strategy, and divisional and departmental (EP, Zoology, Plant Sciences) strategies

• Reduction in lecture theatre space from Tinbergen; timetabling of EP and Biology courses permit other courses to use space

• Flexible teaching space for lectures, seminars, wet and dry labs

• Releases NUA of ~4,800 m2 in vacated Plant Sciences building


Objective 5: To attract and retain talent

• To provide research and teaching facilities that enable the University to compete effectively in attracting world-class scientists and the best students

• Supports the University Strategic Plan, Estates Strategy, and divisional and departmental (EP, Zoology, Plant Sciences) strategies

• A new well-designed building for Life and Mind research will attract new, and help retain existing, talent

• Enables new research areas relying on contemporary spaces (e.g., virtual reality, immersive neuroscience, navigation)


Objective 6: To strengthen the impact of the science area through widening engagement with the public, policy makers, and other end users of research

• To enable engagement with the public and other key stakeholder groups

• To promote outreach and widening access activities

• To provide space to host major academic events and conferences, enhancing Oxford’s (inter)national visibility

• To provide space which promotes development of inter and multidisciplinary collaboration centres

• Supports the University Strategic Plan, Estates Strategy, and divisional and departmental (EP, Zoology, Plant Sciences) strategies

• Displays in foyers, reception areas

• Public lectures and outreach events held in teaching space when not being used for lectures

• Events to involve patients and carers in research planning and dissemination

• Conferences to be held outside term time

• Building designed to flexibly support inter-disciplinary research hubs



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